Intuition Course

Get What You Want Using Your Intuition!

Lauri T.

"Thank you for the tools to make each of my dreams and beyond to come true. This is a great workshop for all, especially those who are unsure what or how to create what you want in life. I left knowing I AM A POWERFUL PERSON, love it!!!" -


“I highly recommend this course on Creating Money! Catherine affords new insight in a very soothing manner. Although I have read many books on this subject, I learned many new concepts from Catherine.” –


“The Creating Money Workshop is like having ‘money therapy.’ Catherine really gets to the heart of the matter.” –


"The information (in the workshop) brought a lot of the pieces together into a whole, big picture." -


Catherine is like a laser. She hones right in on your blind spots to help you see what you've been missing. I thought I knew alot about myself and manifesting, until I met her. When she looks into your eyes, you are mesmerized by the energy she emits. I've never had a reading like hers before.

Intuitive Mindset Coaching & Psychic Readings

Let me show you how to create the life of your dreams using my intuition to answer questions, guide & empower you.

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Online Courses

Learn the easy way at your own pace with my online courses.

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Intuitive Business Consulting

Consulting for entrepreneurs, business owners, sales reps and professionals

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False Confidence

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Physical Healing

In the metaphysical community we’ve been taught that all diseases/illnesses/ailments start in the energetic realm then trickle down to the emotional and mental realms then to the physical. Once there are physical symptoms, the dis-ease process has already begun. Once an illness gets to the physical level, the physical symptoms must be handled. At that …

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Misery Loves Company…Kind Of

Happy People Aren’t All that They Seem Do certain happy people irritate you? Does their happiness seem forced or fake? There could be a reason why you feel that way. And it’s not because you’re a bad person! Have you ever talked to someone who seems to relish it that you’re in a bad mood? …

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