Physical Healing

In the metaphysical community we’ve been taught that all diseases/illnesses/ailments start in the energetic realm then trickle down to the emotional and mental realms then to the physical. Once there are physical symptoms, the dis-ease process has already begun.

Once an illness gets to the physical level, the physical symptoms must be handled. At that point generally you can’t think them away.

Sometimes this is where people in the metaphysical community, especially if they’re new to it, get confused.

Treat the Physical, Not Just the Mental

While our thoughts are extremely important and often the cause of our troubles, once things reach crisis level, meaning your body is now reacting, it has to be addressed.

Broken bones have to be treated whether by conventional means or not. A raging infection has to be tended to whether by antibiotics or natural products. Once the problem has gotten to the physical level, it has to be addressed. All the affirmations and positive thinking won’t take away the problem.

Sure, there are people out there who can heal themselves even in difficult cases. The fact remains they are still treating their physical symptom. They are still doing something. While most people can’t heal their broken bones, I had a friend who once told me she healed her broken collar bone with no outside help. While I wasn’t there to witness it, knowing her, I believe it. Most of us can’t do that.

So, what do you do?

When Thinking Alone Doesn’t Work

Get help.

Treat the problem. Go to the doctor, the herbalist, chiropractor, healer etc. Take your meds, herbs or supplements. Do the physical therapy. Whatever it takes.

Just don’t sit around expecting to think your way out of it. Yes, there are always people out there who can do that, but most of us can’t. Maybe some of us can for the minor things, but not major things like a full-blown infection or serious illness or even strep throat.

A few years ago, I had a client suffering from a health condition. She knew something wasn’t right. People were basically telling her that it was all in her head. She’s having a bad day so of course her energy is down. She’s stressed out so of course she doesn’t feel good. They were implying she was “causing” her physical distress with her mental and emotional states.

She knew they were wrong. Yes, she may have caused it with her thinking, but something was actually physically wrong. Once again, by the time a condition reaches the physical level, it has to be treated. Thinking alone won’t cure it.

Dig Deeper

We know our bodies. Even if we don’t know our body that well, we can often tell when something isn’t right. Even if it’s not glaringly obvious. She knew something was off. She knew it wasn’t major, but something wasn’t right.

This client went to many different types of medical professionals, healers and medical mediums. No one was truly helping her much less correctly identifying the problem. Nothing seemed to work. Then she finally found the doctor who solved the riddle. And did what the doctor told her to get better.

The point is, it wasn’t “all in her head.” She didn’t “think her way into the problem.” The problem wasn’t caused by any of those things. It was a real physical issue that had to be treated. End of story. Did she have a certain thought process that caused her to be pre-disposed to the issue? Maybe. Maybe not. Either way, it had to be treated. But first she had to know the cause.

Sometimes our physical issues are caused by exposure to things such as toxic chemicals or are the result of our DNA, a gene mutation or a freak accident. What did we do to “cause” that?

While it could be said that it was part of our pre-incarnation plan, the fact remains that something happened and we have to deal with it. That’s what I am reinforcing here.

Don’t Let It Drag On

A while back I had a client who had perpetual back pain caused by an injury from an accident. Did she “cause” the accident with her thinking? Who knows. What we do know is that she had real pain. She had to treat the pain; she couldn’t think it away. Since that fateful accident she’s had further injuries to the affected area. Did she cause that too? My theory is yes. She is riddled with anxiety although she denies it. It seems to me that her anxiety and denial could be exacerbating the pain. Even so, she must deal with the pain somehow. Chronic pain generally doesn’t go away on its own. Nor does it stop by thinking it away.

Most of the time you can’t think yourself out of your physical ailments. They often require some type of intervention whether from traditional medicine or healers and crystals. Then you can monitor your thoughts and practice affirmations in tandem to assist the healing process. In my opinion, it’s a disservice to resist some type of treatment. What type of treatment you choose is up to you. But something must be done in most cases to heal. That’s where people get confused.

If you’re having physical issues, by all means, try self-healing. Refer to my tips. But if it doesn’t work or gets worse, please seek help. Don’t continue to suffer and think you’ll get better. What person ever successfully got over an infection by doing nothing? Even my friend who healed her broken collar bone didn’t do nothing. She used her own healing techniques and herbs to recover.

Being able to identify what got you to where you are physically or recognizing the offending thoughts is an important piece of the puzzle. Just don’t rely on that to heal you. Treat the physical whether by conventional means or not. That’s where people often get confused.

If you want to jump-start your healing process, look to your intuition for guidance. It can confirm if you’re on the right track, help you pick out the best healing mode for you at this time, help you identify what may need releasing and much more.

If you want to learn how to listen to it, how to talk to it and how to trust it by CLICKING

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