Self-Healing Tips

In the last blog post I wrote on self-healing I mentioned there are many, many ways to heal yourself. Sometimes healing may not work. It could be for a variety of reasons. As with manifesting (healing is a form of manifesting), there are a variety of things that could block your healing.

Without further ado, let’s move on to my tips for self-healing.

Believe It’s Possible

Just as in manifesting, you must believe self-healing is possible for it to work. That makes obvious sense, right? If you don’t really believe it’s possible, then why even bother? How much do you have to believe? That’s open for debate but I’d say the more you believe, the more success you’re likely to have.

Believe in the Technique

It also helps to have a level of confidence that the technique you choose will work. If you believe cupping can work, then go for it. If you have your doubts, then find something else that you believe in. What’s the point of working with a method you don’t agree with or believe in? It’s like eating food that you don’t like, why bother?

Be Patient

Most healing doesn’t happen instantaneously, at least not for beginners. Depending on your condition and how long you’ve had it, healing can take days, weeks or months. Most of us want instant gratification so if doesn’t happen in one session or a day or two, we’re out. Be patient. It will happen.  Just as with manifesting, it can take time. Be prepared to go the distance. I’ve read many success stories of chronic conditions that took a year or more to heal, but they did it. You can too.

Keep Going

If you’re paying someone else for healing, don’t give up after one or two sessions. Yes, I know, it’s tempting to say healing is a racket. When we’re confronted with a big price tag such as five healing sessions for one thousand dollars, most people won’t do it. And I don’t blame them. However, when a healer tells you it could take five to ten sessions, they are right. It doesn’t happen overnight. Healing is complex. There are many layers. One or two sessions most likely won’t heal much of anything, at least not bigger issues.

If packages aren’t your thing, don’t buy them. Pay for sessions as you go. Or find a healer that’s more in line with your pocket book. Don’t feel pressured to have to commit to five or ten, but just know, you might really need them all.

Talk to Your Body

Make friends with your body. Talk to it. Let it know that you are one and that you are here to facilitate your body on its healing journey. If you feel drawn, ask the body’s permission to heal it. If you don’t get a yes right away, keep digging until you figure out your body’s reluctance. Long-term illnesses or conditions can become our identity. As such, we become attached to it. While it sounds counter-intuitive and definitely not logical, many people hang onto their illness for a variety of reasons. If you find that’s the case for you and your body, find out why your body is hanging on, then talk to your body about letting go.

If it’s a case of mistaken identity, meaning your body has identified with your illness, then re-programming your body can take time. Now healing your psyche is in order, not just your body.

How Do You Talk to Your Body?

From my research no one provides exact words to use. As a beginner, I found that frustrating as I wanted a template. Having worked with this a while I realize now healing isn’t a one-size-fits-all. The words must come from you that feel right. You can get ideas from what other people do, but ultimately, it has to feel right to you. As with affirmations, pick the words that resonate with you. For me, I find simple is best. Nothing complicated or fancy.

For example, if you’ve ever gotten a psychic reading, some psychics open with a prayer or invocation or request to talk to your guides. I’ve heard all variations. Why the variety? Because again, there is no one-size-fits-all with readings either. Psychics say what feels right to them.

Watch How You talk to Yourself

Self-talk is something we often don’t pay attention to because we do it all the time. Some of us do it out loud, some of us in our head. Either way, it’s important to pay attention to what you’re telling yourself because it has a huge impact on your state of mind. When I don’t feel good, I often catch myself saying, “I don’t feel good.” That reinforces the feeling! No wonder I don’t feel good! Then, I catch myself and change my tune.

Instead of reinforcing “I don’t feel good,” go for something positive. If it’s too much of a stretch to say, “I feel great!” then bridge it with something like, “I’m starting to feel better.” It’s more likely that your mind can believe “I’m starting to feel better” than completely tricking it into feeling great when clearly you don’t.

Bottom line is, the more you can talk positively about your health, even when you don’t feel great, the more likely you are to heal. Otherwise, you’re reducing your chances of feeling better. Take it from me, a reformed self-talker.

Stop Acting Sick

When we’re sick or in pain it’s easy to moan and groan or talk about our aching back. We’ve all done that at one time. Like talking to yourself, moaning and groaning are another way of giving in to your body’s aches and pains. While it’s not easy because it’s often a reflex, giving in to that also reinforces how bad you feel.  The more we reinforce how bad we feel, the less likely we are to heal.

When my stomach is bothering me, I often catch my hand reflexively going to my stomach. That’s normal. However, it calls attention to your upset stomach just like talking about it does. Unless you’re going to place your hand on your stomach or head or wherever to send it healing energy, I would suggest not doing that because it calls attention to the problem. The only way to solve that is to be aware that you’re doing it. As with anything else, it takes time to stop the habit.

Question Yourself

Do you identify with being sick or having a chronic condition? Does it make you feel good to get attention when you’re sick? Some people like the attention whether they realize it or not. “Oh, poor so-and-so, she’s the sick one.”

For others it’s a way to get out of doing something. “Oh, so-and-so can’t do it because she has…fill in the blank.” While it may not be fun to lack mobility, I know people who if I had to guess probably subconsciously like being immobile because it gets them off the hook to do things. They can’t help clean up or do chores or run errands because they can’t walk very well. While it pains me to see their lack of mobility, I can see how they get a “pay-off” from it. I guess if you can’t walk, there may as well be some reward, right? That’s one way to look at it. If you’re one of those people, you may want to dig deep and question whether you really want to improve your condition or not. If you do, then you’re on the road to self-healing just by changing your attitude.

It’s a Process

Just like life is a journey, healing is a process. It can take time. It can take experimenting with different methods or tools. This post isn’t about techniques or tools but while I’m on that subject, another thing to experiment with are healing crystals or stones. Many healers use them to complement their technique. If you’re interested in them and feel like they’d help, then use them. If you don’t feel called, I don’t think they’re required. The mind is an amazing tool and the best tool in our tool box. Use it.

Harness the power of your mind to self-heal. Believe you can do it. Watch what you say to yourself (and to others) and how you act. Just changing a few simple things can make a major difference in your healing practice.

If you want to jump-start your healing process, look to your intuition for guidance. It can confirm if you’re on the right track, help you pick out the best healing mode for you at this time, help you identify what may need releasing and much more.

If you want to learn how to listen to it, how to talk to it and how to trust it by CLICKING

Once you start listening to your intuition, you’ll be amazed how much your life clicks into place. Then you can truly start enjoying yourself. CLICK HERE to find out more!