You don’t need a pair of eyes to see that the world is in turmoil right now. Disasters happening, political upheavals occurring, old systems imploding. The world is in chaos. Word on the street is that it will get worse.
I don’t tell you this to scare you. I tell you this to prepare you. Mentally.
Our world may get turned upside down. What you thought was true isn’t. Who you thought you could trust, you can’t. Sources you thought had true and reliable information, do not.
What do you do now?
Trust yourself!
You don’t need to be psychic to trust yourself. It sure helps, but it’s not necessary. We all have intuition. Every single one of us. Listen to your gut. What does it say? We don’t all get that gut feeling so you may get another sign. Learn to recognize what it is.
Look to your past. Surely, you’ve made good decisions in your life. How did you do that? It could’ve been your intuition or it could’ve been an assessment of facts. If it was a hunch, try to remember what that hunch felt like.
If you’re good with facts, then use your logic. If someone is telling you something and it doesn’t make sense, then you’re onto something. If you’re reading something full of contradictions then move along. It will be hard to find the grain of truth in it. If you read or hear something so off the wall it doesn’t seem like it could be possibly true, don’t immediately discount it. It might actually be true. Or it may be a total fabrication. File it away in your head for future reference if need be. Sometimes life is stranger than fiction.
There will be truths coming out about our world, about the very fabric of our existence that could make your head spin. Don’t fall prey to what Jack Nicholson screamed at Tom Cruise’s character in A Few Good Men, “You can’t handle the truth!” You can.
If you have trouble processing what may be about to come, talk to your trusted friends and family. Be there to support and console each other. Help each other understand what is going on.
A New World is Dawning
What I and many other intuitives believe is that our society is heading to a world of community. This is all part of ascension. A world where we work together. Help each other. Support each other. Get to know each other. Something that has been long lost as of late.
At the end of the day, we all have two arms, two legs, two eyes. For too long we have been separated by our differences. Now is the time to find our similarities. Your neighbor may not believe what you believe, look like you or share your political views, but they are human. They have love and kindness in their heart, even if it’s buried. This is what we need to get to – those inner truths, the love in our hearts.
Our world has been divided by hate, by fear, by intolerance. It is about to shift. Back to the basics. Love. John Lennon said, “All you need is love.” Whether you like him or not, he was right. Love is what makes the world go round. We have forgotten. We have gotten caught up in our little lives. Afraid to speak, afraid to share, afraid to like. Afraid to love.
Get Into Love
I’ve read many accounts of people relaying how they handled a scary situation. Instead of curling up in fear they visualized and felt love. Love transcends fear. Love makes you feel better. Love takes your worries away. It is said when we cross over at death, we are engulfed by a tremendous sense of love that we humans can’t even fathom. Love is the energy that is the Universe’s currency. We have lost that connection.
If you feel powerless and sadness for the recent hurricane victims, any other victims or even yourself the best way that you can help them is to send them love. Not through the mail. Through the ethers. Get into that quiet space in your mind, settle down, get grounded, then cultivate a sense of love. To get there think of a loved one or special pet or anything else that gives you joy and happiness. Let it engulf you. Then imagine sending it out through the ethers, that invisible internet if you will, to those in need. To those you want to support.
Don’t feel sorry for them because that brings both of your energies down and puts you in lower consciousness feelings. It may be terrible what has happened, but don’t dwell on that. Instead send the love. Imagine it filling you up, filling them up and the space in between. They will feel it. Even if they don’t know that they are feeling it. It doesn’t matter if they feel it or know who it came from. Their soul will feel it. Their soul will receive it. Ultimately it will trickle down into their consciousness even if it’s a split-second feeling of calm. What better way to survive a terrible event than to feel loved and supported?
When victims are rescued from physical trauma they are often covered in blankets. Not just for warmth but for a feeling of safety. Of support. It helps to calm down the nervous system. That’s how weighted blankets work and why we swaddle babies. By sending out these high vibrations you are basically sending someone a blanket of love and support. This is the highest and best gift that you can give anyone. Even yourself.
The beautiful thing is that you can do it from the privacy of your own home at any time of day or night and it’s free. Free to you, free to them. It doesn’t matter if you have physical limitations. As long as you can use your mind, you can help.
Trust and Love Yourself First
Once again, if things get more chaotic, trust yourself. If you can’t, then get into this zone of love. The love will calm you down and fill you up. Then it won’t matter what is going on out in the world. You will be ok. Why? Because you have raised your vibration, you are no longer reacting from fear.
That’s what this big shift, the big reveal is all about. Raising your vibration, your consciousness. Getting back to the basics of community but also as Star Trek says, “going where no man has gone before.” Or at least not in our lifetime. A new world.
Things will change. Things will shift. As with any change, there is discomfort. Old paradigms, ways of doing business, ways of governing our country, ways we treat each other must be torn down. From this we can rise from the ashes. During this time of chaos is when I urge you to trust yourself and love yourself and others.
This isn’t about selling you my intuition course. If you’d like to buy it, here’s the link. This is about helping you to understand that in the coming days and months we all may be tested – tested to know what is true or not. You can only trust you.
DEVELOP YOUR INTUITION: If you want to learn how to listen to it, how to talk to it and how to trust it by CLICKING
Once you start listening to your intuition, you’ll be amazed how much your life clicks into place. Then you can truly start enjoying yourself. CLICK HERE to find out more!