How Did That Happen?

Have you ever lost something, searched everywhere, only to find it later in the spot that it was last seen, the spot you searched multiple times? I haven’t but I have a good friend who has.

Ever pray and pray for something to happen and it does without your intervention? I haven’t, but I know people who have.

Here’s a true story from a client. It’s the most dramatic story of this type that I have heard. A client was wearing a forever bracelet. If you haven’t heard of it, it’s a metal bracelet that is welded on. The only way to remove it is using special tools or I guess going to some type of metal worker. This lady we’ll call Lady A, wore this bracelet from a previous relationship. She began to investigate how to remove it, but took no action, since she is now in a more positive relationship and wanted no reminders from the prior.

One night before bed she prayed and prayed for a sign that this current relationship is a good one. In her mind removing the bracelet was part of that. She went to bed with the bracelet on. When she woke up, it was gone. Nowhere to be found.

In the past she had snagged it on things and it wouldn’t come off. She tried removing it with pliers. It wouldn’t come off. How did it disappear like a thief in the night? Vanished!

There is no plausible explanation that the human brain can come up with. In our 3-dimensional world, this just doesn’t happen. It defies the laws of physics.

Or does it?

Let me tell you another similar story.

The Power of Prayer

My best friend told me when she was a young girl she had warts on her hand. Since they were embarrassing, she too prayed and prayed and prayed many nights for them to be gone. Finally, one morning she woke up and voila! They were gone.

What do these two stories have in common? The power of prayer.

The power of prayer is a “thing” but no one can explain the mechanism behind it. Yes, prayer works, but how? Anyone? Yeah, crickets. Because we don’t really know other than you can say the power of the mind to perform miracles. Which is not nothing. But how exactly does the mind influence physical reality? That’s the part where we come up short.

Now let’s go back to the first story of a friend of mine who had lost something only for it to appear later. She had been out of town and came home to unpack her suitcase. The jewelry she packed wasn’t in there. She searched everywhere. On the floor to see it if fell out, in the suitcase pockets, you name it. She even set the suitcase out for the trash. Why I don’t recall but I think it was beat up or something. Before the suitcase was taken, she got an intuitive hit to check it again.

Guess what?

The “lost” jewelry was suddenly in there! How is it possible when she checked it repeatedly? When she found it, the jewelry wasn’t hidden in some pocket she might have overlooked or anything like that. It was sitting right out in the open! It wasn’t stolen, then returned because no one had control over her suitcase (prior to setting it out for the trash) except her.

Riddle me that one Batman.

Three powerful stories with no real explanations.

Until Lady A told me her story.

She said she had no clue how it happened other than she prayed. I believe that, but what is the mechanism behind the power of prayer? What brought my friend’s lost jewelry back to her?

The intuitive hit that I got explained all three phenomena.

Are you ready for the answer?

You probably aren’t expecting it.

A timeline shift.

One thing all three stories have in common is a powerful desire. A powerful desire to find her jewelry, to remove the bracelet and eradicate the warts.

Strong Desires Bring Strong Results

The message I received from the Universe said that when we have a very strong desire, we can actually manifest a timeline shift. Having a powerful desire is the catalyst for this. It is a necessary ingredient for manifesting. The power of the mind, the strong desire, is the catalyst, the timeline shift is the mechanism.

When clients ask me in a reading if something will happen very often my answer is yes. For two reasons. One is that I can “see” it happening, a prediction. The other is I can feel their passion and “see” that they will get it as a result of that. If the passion is there, you will find a way to get it. “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” Psychics pick up on that energy.

Haven’t you ever wanted something so badly that you got it, you made it happen? Sure, we all have. That’s manifesting. You can argue no, “I made that happen.” Yes, you did! That IS manifesting. Your desire brought it to you. Along with your beliefs and actions.

So yes, if we really want something, chances are very good that we will find a way to get it. This strong desire is what psychics pick up on as confirmation that it will come true.

Removing a bracelet or warts with nothing other than prayer isn’t something that happens to most of us. For devoted Christians or other religious people, I’m sure they have similar stories. There are many out there.

It’s Physics!

Part of my curriculum in college required taking physics. The light bulb went off in my brain and I aced the classes. Easy peasy. Since then, I have always loved physics as it lays the foundation for the quantum and metaphysical worlds.

I tell you this because it’s not out of the ordinary for me to get intuitive downloads on physics or time, which is part of physics. It is true that a channel can channel anything, even subjects they don’t understand. However, I think it’s more common for them to channel topics they can understand or have an interest in. That’s why I sometimes get these hits. That’s why they make sense to me.

When we desire something badly enough, we find a way to get it. We take normal 3-dimensional action like buying, ordering, networking, doing etc. to get our end result. What happens when we don’t do those things, when we don’t take a physical action? How do we still get what we want like these three ladies?

If desire is very strong, what I was shown is that it can actually propel you into a different timeline. And you won’t even know it.

Technically from what we understand, with every choice we make we move into a new timeline because it changes our trajectory. It’s a new probability.

Timelines are like a branch on a tree. The timeline you are on now is the main branch. If you make a different choice, now you’re on one of the adjacent branches. This keeps happening ad Infinium. Seamlessly. Undramatically. You don’t even know that it’s happening.

Until you get a dramatic shift like these three ladies.

Well, that’s my explanation and I’m sticking to it as the saying goes. I don’t know if it’s true because I have no proof, but it resonates with me and that’s what I was shown. Usually, my downloads are pretty accurate. See if it resonates with you or not. Feel into it.

Perhaps there are multiple mechanisms in place that make these stories happen. It could be more than one thing happening or there could be a variety of options that cause this to happen. I don’t know. Chew on it. See if it works for you.  It resonated with me and with my friend who had the warts. When I told her she agreed with the explanation. She is also very intuitive and felt that the explanation was accurate. See if it is for you. Maybe this answers your questions for something that happened to you or a friend.

If you pray and pray for something and it happens with no other effort on your part, I’d love to hear about it!

Did you have a timeline shift or miracle happen? Do you want to know what happened? Ask your best friend, your intuition. It will know. It will guide you. It will help you identify what to deal with now and what not to…if you ask it!

If you want to learn how to listen to it, how to talk to it and how to trust it by CLICKING
. I developed this easy-to-follow online course because people like you asked me to.

Once you start listening to your intuition, you’ll be amazed how much your life clicks into place. Then you can truly start enjoying yourself. CLICK HERE to find out more!

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