Showing 3 Result(s)

Diet Coke and a Candy Bar

Most of us have heard that joke about having a diet coke with a candy bar. Having the two together is a justification because the lack of calories in the soda cancels out the calories in the candy bar. Right? Not really, but if that works for you to justify it, go ahead. LOL This …

I’ll Deal with it Later

This is a follow up to last week’s blog post about putting upsetting things aside when you’re doing release work. For some of us, imagery works well as suggested in that post. When you want to release something but can’t because it’s still bothering you, put it in a(n) (imaginary) box. Other people, however, are …

Put it Aside

Recently I was confronted with some old family memories. Memories that I thought that I had dealt with. Obviously not. They were re-ignited and suffused with new painful memories. While working to let them go I could no longer fight them. They were too big and too painful. However, I wanted that energy out of …