Expectations Can Lead to Disappointment

“Expect the unexpected.” Good advice said a wise person. However, many of us can’t do this. We want to plan. We want to speculate. We want to anticipate, possibly leading to fear and anxiety. Despite our best efforts, things don’t always go as we planned. Our hopes and dreams get dashed. Our expectations get crushed. …

Complaining Consequences

As mentioned in my previous blog post, complaining can turn people off. It may bring some people together, but not the kind of people you want to be around – more negative people. Complaining has many consequences, even for those of us who only do it on occasion. First and foremost, it brings your vibration …

Complainers Complain

Turn Cyndi Lauper’s lyrics “Girls just a wanna have fun” into “complainers just wanna complain.” That sums it up. Do you know a “Debbie Downer?” You know, the one that sucks the fun out of the room? The person who constantly complains, nothing is ever good enough, nothing ever goes right? Yeah, that person. I …

Trust Yourself

You don’t need a pair of eyes to see that the world is in turmoil right now. Disasters happening, political upheavals occurring, old systems imploding. The world is in chaos. Word on the street is that it will get worse. I don’t tell you this to scare you. I tell you this to prepare you. …

The Swagger Mentality

“You want the moves like Jagger! I got them moves like Jagger” – Maroon 5. Why pick Jagger for the song? He’s got the swagger! Those bad boys can sure be attractive and I don’t just mean physically. They’re cool.  They’re all that. They seem confident, but they might be fooling you! They may be …

False Confidence

Have you ever tried to do something that you thought was pretty easy and ended up failing spectacularly? I have and so has a friend of mine. Don’t feel bad if you have. A friend of mine told me that when she was younger, she was fearless. If she had to speak in front of …

Physical Healing

In the metaphysical community we’ve been taught that all diseases/illnesses/ailments start in the energetic realm then trickle down to the emotional and mental realms then to the physical. Once there are physical symptoms, the dis-ease process has already begun. Once an illness gets to the physical level, the physical symptoms must be handled. At that …

Misery Loves Company…Kind Of

Happy People Aren’t All that They Seem Do certain happy people irritate you? Does their happiness seem forced or fake? There could be a reason why you feel that way. And it’s not because you’re a bad person! Have you ever talked to someone who seems to relish it that you’re in a bad mood? …

4 Steps to Recover from a Break Up

Have you ever broken up with someone only to regret it later? Or been broken up with and want them back? What do you do? Getting back together with someone or not is a very personal choice so I wouldn’t advise either way. However, there are some things to consider. If the relationship wasn’t that …

Honesty Isn’t Always the Best Policy

Have you ever been honest with someone and it backfires? I’m sure that has happened to almost all of us for any number of reasons, big or small. There’s “big” honesty and “small” honesty. Choosing honesty and telling your partner you cheated on them could backfire spectacularly. Don’t tell them and you’re caught in a …