Showing 4 Result(s)

Complicated Isn’t Always Better

My son has been researching a lot of health and fitness information. In the process he has come across many internet influencers selling complicated or unrealistic programs. Talking to a registered nutritionist, she said she sees this all the time. The big difference is a nutritionist is certified and works with evidence-based facts and research. …

Learning The Hard Way

Who hasn’t had to learn the hard way? For those of us who learn from that, hopefully there isn’t a second time. Life lessons start an early age. When children are little, we teach them not to get too close to the stove lest they burn their hand. This is done for their own protection. …

Expectations Can Lead to Disappointment

“Expect the unexpected.” Good advice said a wise person. However, many of us can’t do this. We want to plan. We want to speculate. We want to anticipate, possibly leading to fear and anxiety. Despite our best efforts, things don’t always go as we planned. Our hopes and dreams get dashed. Our expectations get crushed. …

Complaining Consequences

As mentioned in my previous blog post, complaining can turn people off. It may bring some people together, but not the kind of people you want to be around – more negative people. Complaining has many consequences, even for those of us who only do it on occasion. First and foremost, it brings your vibration …