Showing 163 Result(s)

Over-Thinking Leads to Inaction

There are many articles, videos etc. on over-thinking. What it is, how to stop it, tips, hacks etc. It’s great to know how to stop it. Absolutely imperative. What happens once you stop it? You have to take action. Over-thinking allows us to not take action. If You Think, You Don’t have to Do! We …

You Don’t Need a Vacation…

To de-stress Vacations aren’t a magic bullet; we just think they are. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying don’t take a vacation. I am the first one to say I love vacations! What I am saying is when you’re super stressed out or if you don’t have the time or the money a vacation …

10 Tips to Combat Black and White Thinking

Black and White Thinking Part 2 Here’s part 1 in case you missed it. Do you ever find yourself assuming the worst-case scenario? Or jumping to conclusions? Only to find out later that neither are true? We all probably do that sometimes, especially if we’re really stressed or in a highly unusual situation. It’s when …

Black and White Thinking

Our world is one of duality. Right and wrong. Dark and light. Good and bad. Black and white. And the list goes on. We also live in a world of color. The sky is blue, the grass is green. Cars are red. The black and white thinkers of the world do not see the shades …

Right or Happy?

Some people are so into being right that if you gave them a needlepoint pillow saying, “I’d rather be happy than right,” they’d think it was backwards. To them it should read, “I’d rather be right than happy” because happiness isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be. Their attitude is who wants to be …

Stand up or Not?

To stand up for yourself or not is a choice to make. Take a stance or let it slide? Some people will say you always have to stand up for yourself. ALWAYS. They don’t let anything slide. They don’t take nothin’ offa nobody. Ever. Others will pick and choose. Pick Your Battles One of my …

Get Your Mojo Back

The other day a client told me she has lost her passion for life. How does she get it back? Maybe you can relate to that. Have you lost your zest for life? Your passion? Your joie de vivre? It’s a slump. I’m tempted to say it’s a phase but sometimes we lose our passion …

Forgiving is not Forgetting

My best friend made a comment the other day that prompted me to write this. She said she’s forgiven her sisters for things that happened, but she hasn’t forgotten.  She’s so right. I forgave my dad for things that he did but I haven’t forgotten them. How can you? Something caused you to be upset …

FOMO – Not What You May Think

We commonly think of FOMO, or fear of missing out, in relation to social situations. We tend to think of situations such as someone feeling left out. Social media intensifies FOMO because perfect, unrealistic lives are often portrayed. Those with FOMO feel they are left out of that perfect life, especially when compared to their …

How to Get Un-Stuck

Are you a stick in the mud? Or stuck in the mud? Just one little letter change makes all the difference in the meaning. Stick the mud means someone who’s no fun, who doesn’t want to join in the fun. Stuck in the mud means you can’t get out. You’re stuck. You can’t advance. If …