Showing 34 Result(s)

How to Get Un-Stuck

Are you a stick in the mud? Or stuck in the mud? Just one little letter change makes all the difference in the meaning. Stick the mud means someone who’s no fun, who doesn’t want to join in the fun. Stuck in the mud means you can’t get out. You’re stuck. You can’t advance. If …

Unpacking Time

I’ve always been fascinated by time, time travel and the past. I’m not very good at estimating length or distance, but time, I’m spot on. I’m one of those people who can calculate to the minute how much time I need to do something or get somewhere [not using GPS]. I’m never late, always early …

Bossy vs Leader

As with many of my blog posts, this was inspired by a client. If you’ve had a reading with me, then you know that I channel your Higher Self and guides. They often give messages that I can’t control or not what you’d expect to hear. Sometimes they can be very direct and tell me …

Take the High Road…or Not?

The decision to take the high road in a situation is a very personal one. And not one that some of us can take, or at least take consistently. It’s not easy to take the high road. For some people it may seem easy. For those of us who can’t do it as easily we …