Showing 178 Result(s)

Ask Your Guides For Help

Many people ask me about talking to their guides since that is something that I do when I do readings. I am channeling your guides and mine. A little-known tidbit here: you have to ask for their help. Guides can’t interfere with your life because you have free will. They could create havoc unintentionally or …

The Only Way Out is Through

Whether you’re in some sort of crisis, grieving or even recovering from a major argument, the only way out of it is to get through it.   To stuff our emotions, to compartmentalize or to put them in a box on the shelf to deal with it later always catches up with us somehow. Oftentimes …

If You Don’t Believe…

Have you ever had someone give you advice and you know deep down you can’t do what they suggest? Or you don’t believe that you can? If you believe you can, it can lead to great success. If you don’t believe that you can and do it anyway, it can spell disaster. A client once …

Beliefs Can Confuse You – or Worse!

The other day I had a reading with a young lady. She’s new to this metaphysical world and wants to learn to talk to her guides and learn to channel. When she asked her roommate her opinion about her channeling results, who’s into demons and dark things, she immediately told this young lady she doesn’t …

Turn Anxiety into Excitement

No one likes to experience anxiety. Heart palpitations, upset stomach, flushing skin, sweaty palms, not to mention racing thoughts. Those are probably the worst. Being anxious isn’t productive. It works us up, puts us in a bad mood and leads to inaction. When we’re paralyzed by fear or anxiety, we get stuck and do nothing. …

Passion and Manifesting

When people ask me if they will get what they want, oftentimes my answer is yes, with a caveat. The reason I say yes is because if someone wants something badly enough, they will get it. I’m sure you’ve had that experience where you really want something and you make it happen. We all have. …

Meditating Made Easy

Meditating can be daunting. The common misconception is sitting on the floor cross-legged ohm-ing for an hour. Most people can’t do that. Frankly, it’s not necessary. Meditation is simply the act of removing your mind from the outside world. Period. As such it can be done many ways such as passively or actively. Passively is …

Complicated Isn’t Always Better

My son has been researching a lot of health and fitness information. In the process he has come across many internet influencers selling complicated or unrealistic programs. Talking to a registered nutritionist, she said she sees this all the time. The big difference is a nutritionist is certified and works with evidence-based facts and research. …

Learning The Hard Way

Who hasn’t had to learn the hard way? For those of us who learn from that, hopefully there isn’t a second time. Life lessons start an early age. When children are little, we teach them not to get too close to the stove lest they burn their hand. This is done for their own protection. …

Expectations Can Lead to Disappointment

“Expect the unexpected.” Good advice said a wise person. However, many of us can’t do this. We want to plan. We want to speculate. We want to anticipate, possibly leading to fear and anxiety. Despite our best efforts, things don’t always go as we planned. Our hopes and dreams get dashed. Our expectations get crushed. …