Showing 163 Result(s)

The Possibilities are Endless

Possibilities are Like an Endless Buffet Whatever you desire in life is waiting for you. Waiting for what, you ask? For you to choose. The greatest gift we have is choice. I can’t stress that enough.  Until you make a choice, your desires won’t come true. All of our desires lay waiting for us in …

Dishing the Dirt Can Get Dirty

Don’t Be Food for the Fodder If you’ve ever gone through a rough patch and your friends know, they ask how you are doing. You may not want to share at first depending on your nature, but eventually you may break down and spill the beans because it feels good to get it out. It’s …

Wallow in It

Sometimes when we’re in the process of attempting to let something go, we realize we don’t really want to even though it doesn’t do us any good. Why would we hold onto something that isn’t serving us? Because on some level, it is. It could be a variety of things: It forms the basis of …

Dirty Little Secrets

What’s yours? We all have them. Maybe your guilty pleasure is rocky road ice cream or trashy novels. Those are harmless and not what I’m referring to. Maybe it’s something bigger like you slept with your sister’s boyfriend and only the two of you know. Oops. Whatever your secret may be, the point is, it’s …

Monkey Mind

Many of us have what’s commonly called, “monkey mind” or “busy brain.” Your inner dialogue is going crazy and running amok all day long.  It seems like the monkey will not slow down. He’s running wild. Monkey mind can be exhausting because your thoughts are constantly going, going, going. If you wake up with the …

Once a Player Always a Player

I get a fair number of calls asking to explain this dynamic, so here goes. I hope it helps some of you out there reading this. You may know someone – man or woman – who is what we generally call a “player” or someone who’s always on the look-out for the next person and …

Isn’t that Interesting?

At first I thought that title (isn’t that interesting) was what the “church lady” on Saturday Night Live used to say. If you remember her, she used to say, “isn’t that special?” Ok, enough of that. You indulged my boomer-ness. 🙂 The other day I learned an interesting concept for all of us empaths: don’t …

Creating Something New

I told you all I was creating something new. I’m not quite ready to share ityet but I’ll take you on a journey. Every story has a beginning, middle and end, right? I’m in the beginning.It’s easy to get stuck at any phase, especially the beginning. It’s like“failure to launch,” you just can’t get it …