Showing 34 Result(s)

Are You Getting Fed Up?

Are you getting fed up? Do you feel like you want to make a change? Maybe you don’t even know what the change is, you just want to make it? Are you frustrated or irritated but don’t know why? Are you getting tired of certain people or situations? You may not be getting coronavirus, but …

What Do You Want?

It Helps to Know When Manifesting You may think that’s an obvious question, but trust me, having worked with hundreds of people, I can tell you it’s not. We think we know what we want, until we have to sit down and really define it. None of this nebulous stuff. None of this, “Well, I …

What Are You Looking At?

Did you know that your observation determines your vibration? You’ve probably heard these phrases from Law of Attraction followers: What you think about, you bring about. Where attention goes, energy flows. What all this is saying is that what you pay attention to – whether it’s your neighbor telling you her sad story or reading …

Never Give Up!

Those of you who know me know that I do not generally follow politics – until this year. I still won’t get into it with you now because politics is so divisive, except to say that no matter which side you are on, never give up. That’s the lesson I am taking away from all …

Life Happens, or Does It?

“Life happens, then you die.” That’s the common expression. It sounds defeatist to me. Would you rather life happen to you or make life happen? Would you rather let life happen and see if you get what you want? Or make life happen, direct it, to get what you want? When you let life happen …