Showing 175 Result(s)

Are You Getting the Call?

Are you wondering what your life purpose is? Or do you think you know but aren’t sure? If either of those apply to you, you’re getting the call. It’s the call from the universe to “pick up the phone” and have the conversation about what your path is. To live our life purpose is living …

Humble vs Owning Your Own Power

Would you hire someone who someone who says, “I think I can help you” or someone who says, “I know I can help you?” I bet I know which one you picked. We prefer people who are confident in their abilities to help us because we feel they have a greater likelihood of positive results. …

Can’t or Don’t Want To?

Get Motivated! Sometimes when we say we can’t do something, what we’re really saying is we don’t want to do it. Now you’re getting to the heart of the matter. Why don’t you want to? Oftentimes we don’t even know why we don’t want to, we just don’t. That’s good, that’s a starting place. Dig …

Turn off the Fear Program

Fear is a Program Fear is just a program. As such, you can choose to turn it off or on. When the fear program is running, like it is now with the virus pandemic, it can totally cripple you. In the software world a virus is a piece of code that can wreak havoc on …

What if I Lose My Home or Job?

During these uncertain times many of us are worried about our home, job or business. For me to say, “Don’t be” would be flippant. However, I will re-direct you to go from worry to concern. Concern is ok, it’s legitimate. These are trying times so it’s natural to have concern. If you’re concerned, develop a …

Will I Die from the Coronavirus?

Only you know. Most psychics will tell you that they cannot predict death, particularly in healthy people. Why? For the obvious reason. Who wants to know when they’ll die? Panic and fear could overwhelm you. How to Find Out There is a way you can find out, though. Ask your higher self. I do not …

They Know Not What They Do

When people are mean to you – gossip about you, verbally abuse you, disrespect you, stalk you – they are acting at a lower vibration, a lower consciousness than you. The quickest and easiest way for you to disengage from their behavior and not react is to see it for just that – lower consciousness …