Showing 4 Result(s)

Don’t Let it Go

Don’t let it go! That seems contrary to what I always say, right? Let me explain. Sometimes when we have a fearful or anxious thought or old traumatic memories we’re told to, “let it go.” Or do release work to let it go. Release it. Get rid of it. When I’m doing release work sometimes, …

Letting Go Isn’t 100%

Something that came to me in a download is this: letting go isn’t 100%. You may think it’s all gone, but it can be so small of a percentage that it’s not noticeable. Past pain or trauma can be so greatly reduced that it rarely affects us. However, in times of crisis, especially a crisis …

I’ll Deal with it Later

This is a follow up to last week’s blog post about putting upsetting things aside when you’re doing release work. For some of us, imagery works well as suggested in that post. When you want to release something but can’t because it’s still bothering you, put it in a(n) (imaginary) box. Other people, however, are …

It’s Better than Good

Do you feel like you’re stuck? Not moving forward? Your life just isn’t coming together? Then maybe it’s time for some release work. Whether you’re stuck at work, in your relationship, or mentally or emotionally it doesn’t matter. Release work is the key. Just as releasing is vital to our physical body, it is also …