Showing 6 Result(s)

Hack for those Troublesome Thoughts

Sometimes negative thoughts crop into our heads. Or the doubts. It’s not always easy to get rid of them. Stopping negative thoughts can be like “herding cats” in that it’s not possible or it’s so overwhelming that you give up. What You Resist, Persists If you tell yourself, “Just don’t think about it” that can …

Can’t or Don’t Want To?

Get Motivated! Sometimes when we say we can’t do something, what we’re really saying is we don’t want to do it. Now you’re getting to the heart of the matter. Why don’t you want to? Oftentimes we don’t even know why we don’t want to, we just don’t. That’s good, that’s a starting place. Dig …

Routine Schmootine

What’s the Big Fuss about Routines? Particularly when we’re going through a rough patch it’s recommended to get a routine so you have structure in your day. Friends might tell us how they went through such and such and the way out was to get a routine. Or we listen to the big- name self-help …

I Don’t Want To….

Forcing Doesn’t Motivate Fill in the blank with whatever it is you’ve been putting off. If you just can’t get motivated, can’t find the energy, whatever, then don’t force yourself. Clearly there’s a reason you’re resisting. When we force ourselves, that’s when we go to the gym once, only never to return. That’s when we …