Staying Sane during Family Squabbles

When family tensions run high, all the different personalities come out big time. Like control. If you are a person that likes control, then you’ll understand what I’m about to say. If you have someone in your family who thrives on control, how do you stay sane around that? Give up control. My sister likes …

The Sacred Knowledge of Manifesting

These days we take manifesting for granted. Ever since books like The Secret came out, manifesting knowledge is prevalent. While most everyone in the metaphysical community knows about it, there are still many people who don’t, particularly those in the mainstream. Even though the information is readily available now, it wasn’t always that way. In …

Notice it, but Don’t Notice it

Manifesting is simple in theory, but often more complicated in practice. It’s easy to say, “Don’t think negatively” but harder to do.  It’s easy to recommend stop doubting, but can be difficult to implement. Focus on what you want, not on what you don’t want is a basic manifesting principle. That includes eliminating doubts and …

Hack for those Troublesome Thoughts

Sometimes negative thoughts crop into our heads. Or the doubts. It’s not always easy to get rid of them. Stopping negative thoughts can be like “herding cats” in that it’s not possible or it’s so overwhelming that you give up. What You Resist, Persists If you tell yourself, “Just don’t think about it” that can …

Covid Effects

How has Covid Affected You? All over the world we were affected by Covid in one way or the other. Some got sick, some got really sick. Others lost their jobs or worse their homes. Some died. Even if you are fortunate enough not to have had any dire consequences from Covid, you were bound …

Mirror Flames

Many people believe in or believe they are in a twin flame relationship. A twin flame is a soul that split into two to make two similar halves. Twin flame relationships can be very challenging because while the love may be the most passionate ever, it is also the most intense relationship. Why? Because you’re …

Self-Healing Tips

In the last blog post I wrote on self-healing I mentioned there are many, many ways to heal yourself. Sometimes healing may not work. It could be for a variety of reasons. As with manifesting (healing is a form of manifesting), there are a variety of things that could block your healing. Without further ado, …

Heal Thyself

Do you suffer from chronic pain? A debilitating ailment such as fibromyalgia? Migraines? Allergies? It’d be nice to feel good, right? When we don’t feel good, life stinks. We get cranky or irritable and can’t do what we’d like to do. Not getting done what we want to do can make us more irritable. And …

Why We Keep Repeating the Past

Do you ever wonder why you keep doing the same things? Why do you keep picking the same type of guy (or gal)? Why you keep taking the same type of job that you don’t like? We repeat things because it’s familiar, we don’t give it much thought or we don’t like change. The same …