Wow, She is a Snob!

Looking for Evidence to Support Our Beliefs When we believe something, we look for evidence to support those beliefs. For example, if you meet someone for the first time at work and they aren’t very friendly to you, you might immediately assume she’s not a friendly person. Maybe you even conclude that she’s a snob. …

Why Can’t I Let Go?

When Disney came out with that movie, Frozen and released the song, “Let it Go” it had more meaning than they realized! Why? Because blocks are always what stop us from moving forward. Always. First me must let go of them. Blocks can be anything from old beliefs to past experiences to stored emotions. We …

Be Careful What You Wish For!

You know the saying, “Be careful what you wish for!” How many times have you gotten your wish and then regretted it? Then you wished you’d paid more attention, put more thought into it or had a better understanding of what you were wishing for. Like you finally met a guy (your desire) but he …

I Knew That Was Going to Happen!

When I was laid up a few years ago watching a detective show I heard another nugget that inspired me to write this: “The future isn’t actually on its way. In truth, it’s already arrived.”  Why is that important to know? The Time is Now As a bit of background on time, you’ve probably heard …

One Thing You Really Want to Know About Affirmations

Do affirmations really work? That’s a topic for another day. However, I will challenge you to look at affirmations differently. Affirmations are repeating the same phrase over and over and “hoping it sticks” basically. Meaning, we hope if we reinforce them into our subconscious enough, they’ll “take.” I’m not saying they don’t work. That’s the …

Are You Getting Fed Up?

Are you getting fed up? Do you feel like you want to make a change? Maybe you don’t even know what the change is, you just want to make it? Are you frustrated or irritated but don’t know why? Are you getting tired of certain people or situations? You may not be getting coronavirus, but …