Showing 31 Result(s)

How I Healed My Dog

Sadly, our pets don’t live that long. It’s heart-breaking for pet owners. If you’ve ever lost one like I have, you know what I mean. It’s always a being’s choice when they want to depart. However, if they’re sick and want to recover, we can help them. The only way to know if they want …

I’ll Deal with it Later

This is a follow up to last week’s blog post about putting upsetting things aside when you’re doing release work. For some of us, imagery works well as suggested in that post. When you want to release something but can’t because it’s still bothering you, put it in a(n) (imaginary) box. Other people, however, are …

Don’t take Ownership

Ever catch yourself describing your ailments like this: “My back pain,” or “My arthritis” or “My diabetes” or fill in the blank with your ailment du jour. Well, I have. I don’t recall ever doing that before so that’s what inspired me to write this. When we use that pronoun “my” in front of anything …

Notice it, but Don’t Notice it

Manifesting is simple in theory, but often more complicated in practice. It’s easy to say, “Don’t think negatively” but harder to do.  It’s easy to recommend stop doubting, but can be difficult to implement. Focus on what you want, not on what you don’t want is a basic manifesting principle. That includes eliminating doubts and …

Heal Thyself

Do you suffer from chronic pain? A debilitating ailment such as fibromyalgia? Migraines? Allergies? It’d be nice to feel good, right? When we don’t feel good, life stinks. We get cranky or irritable and can’t do what we’d like to do. Not getting done what we want to do can make us more irritable. And …

How to Beat Addictions

This is a topic one of my readers asked me to discuss. She informed me that according to Lance Dodes, a psychiatrist, all addictions are psychological compulsions rooted in feelings of helplessness. So you know, I haven’t read any of his work. While I’m not an expert on addictions, his statement resonates with me. It …

The Truth Can be Hard to Find

Sometimes “the proof isn’t in the pudding” and sometimes neither is the truth. The phrase means something can only be judged when it’s eaten. Sometimes the truth can’t be gotten that way either. Searching for the truth these days is harder than ever. If you follow politics or any current events you’ll notice if you’re …

Ascension is Happening

You may have heard that ascension is happening. We are getting ready as a collective to level up. The energy on the planet is increasing. We are entering a new galactic era whether we want to or not. It’s part of a cycle of Mother Earth. Every so often the earth ascends to a new …

I’d Rather Have a Root Canal!

That’s the old joke, right? It’s funny til you have to have one. I did earlier this year. No fun. Before you have to have any type of medical or dental procedure it’s very easy to get into fear mode. We’ve all heard horror stories about someone who had a bad and then we worry …

Respond or React?

That is the question. Many of us think they are one and the same. They are not. They are vastly different. These are two words that seem to have subtle differences, especially if you look them up in the dictionary, but they are very different. Reacting is how you act as a result of something …