Showing 183 Result(s)

How to Make the Best Decisions

You Have the Answers Within When we’re not sure what to do about something, what do we normally do? We call a friend. We talk it through in our head. We write out pros and cons lists. Google Can’t Always Help We have another good friend – google. Google brings us answers. Not everything can …

How to Save Yourself A lot of Heartache

Last week we talked about how empaths seem to intuitively know who’s a people pleaser. They’re attracted to them like moths to a flame. And the same is true for the people pleaser – they often attract narcissists. The narcissist wants a giver and the people pleaser needs a taker to please. Perfect fit! If …

How to Beat Addictions

This is a topic one of my readers asked me to discuss. She informed me that according to Lance Dodes, a psychiatrist, all addictions are psychological compulsions rooted in feelings of helplessness. So you know, I haven’t read any of his work. While I’m not an expert on addictions, his statement resonates with me. It …

Dating Tips

For those of you who have been following me, you know I don’t normally write about dating tips. However, I was watching a TV show recently where world renowned British dating expert, Matthew Hussey, provided tips and coaching to four women. I got hooked on the show because he talked a lot about mindset. Since …

What Do You Want?

It Helps to Know When Manifesting You may think that’s an obvious question, but trust me, having worked with hundreds of people, I can tell you it’s not. We think we know what we want, until we have to sit down and really define it. None of this nebulous stuff. None of this, “Well, I …