How to Do Magic

Who doesn’t want to learn magic? It’s fun. It’s cool. It’s sexy. I’m not talking about Penn and Teller magic. I mean personal magic. You don’t need a course or a guide book to learn it because you already do it – every day. In the metaphysical world when people refer to magic, they mean …

Taking a Risk

“If you don’t risk anything, you risk everything.” – popular quote Some of us aren’t risk takers and that’s ok. I have to admit, I’m not a big risk taker, but there are times I have been. I’m not talking about doing something you shouldn’t do as a kid and risk getting caught by your …

The What If Game

“What and if are two non-threatening words. Put together and they can haunt you for the rest of your life.” – quote from Letters to Juliet  That’s true if you look at it as regret. “What if I did that instead…” or “didn’t do that…”  That’s looking to the past wishing you could change what …

Find the Silver Lining

One way to look at gratitude is to always look for that silver lining. You know how your mom might’ve said, “Look on the bright side?” She may not have realized just how wise she was! It’s easy to get stuck in the complaining rut as I pointed out in the last blog post. I …

Choose to Know

Do you ever wonder how some people “just know” something will happen? How they feel so confident about situations? Here’s their secret: they choose to know. Practice Makes Perfect! We’ve been taught to learn by repetition. The more you see it, hear it, get it validated it, the more you understand it or believe it. …

Were You Famous?

Why do we care to know about our past lives? Other than the fact that it can be fun or interesting to know about a past life there can be benefits to knowing our past. Oftentimes we keep repeating a pattern from a past life. It’s that pattern that we want to be aware of so we can clear it out in this life

Success Formula

As I was watching a TV show recently someone said to accomplish things, to be a success it requires tenacity, talent and intuition. Let’s break that down. Having tenacity is to be relentless in the pursuit of getting something done. It’s never giving up. To be a success, yes, I would agree, tenacity needs to …