Dating Tips

For those of you who have been following me, you know I don’t normally write about dating tips. However, I was watching a TV show recently where world renowned British dating expert, Matthew Hussey, provided tips and coaching to four women. I got hooked on the show because he talked a lot about mindset. Since …

What Do You Want?

It Helps to Know When Manifesting You may think that’s an obvious question, but trust me, having worked with hundreds of people, I can tell you it’s not. We think we know what we want, until we have to sit down and really define it. None of this nebulous stuff. None of this, “Well, I …

Let Go of Being the Drama Mama

Do you have any drama queens in your life? Are you the drama queen? Hey, no judgement, we all do it at some point. When drama queen is our life theme that’s when our life doesn’t work out so well. Why is that? Drama is just that – theatrics. To name a few scenarios it’s …

What Are You Looking At?

Did you know that your observation determines your vibration? You’ve probably heard these phrases from Law of Attraction followers: What you think about, you bring about. Where attention goes, energy flows. What all this is saying is that what you pay attention to – whether it’s your neighbor telling you her sad story or reading …

What Am I Meant to Do?

We often ask what am I “meant” to do here? What am I “supposed” to be doing? Many of us feel an urge or a calling that we’re “supposed” to be doing something, but we don’t know what. When we ask that, we’re seeking a life purpose. What did I come here to do? What …

The Truth Can be Hard to Find

Sometimes “the proof isn’t in the pudding” and sometimes neither is the truth. The phrase means something can only be judged when it’s eaten. Sometimes the truth can’t be gotten that way either. Searching for the truth these days is harder than ever. If you follow politics or any current events you’ll notice if you’re …

Ascension is Happening

You may have heard that ascension is happening. We are getting ready as a collective to level up. The energy on the planet is increasing. We are entering a new galactic era whether we want to or not. It’s part of a cycle of Mother Earth. Every so often the earth ascends to a new …