Showing 178 Result(s)

What Am I Meant to Do?

We often ask what am I “meant” to do here? What am I “supposed” to be doing? Many of us feel an urge or a calling that we’re “supposed” to be doing something, but we don’t know what. When we ask that, we’re seeking a life purpose. What did I come here to do? What …

The Truth Can be Hard to Find

Sometimes “the proof isn’t in the pudding” and sometimes neither is the truth. The phrase means something can only be judged when it’s eaten. Sometimes the truth can’t be gotten that way either. Searching for the truth these days is harder than ever. If you follow politics or any current events you’ll notice if you’re …

Ascension is Happening

You may have heard that ascension is happening. We are getting ready as a collective to level up. The energy on the planet is increasing. We are entering a new galactic era whether we want to or not. It’s part of a cycle of Mother Earth. Every so often the earth ascends to a new …

Never Give Up!

Those of you who know me know that I do not generally follow politics – until this year. I still won’t get into it with you now because politics is so divisive, except to say that no matter which side you are on, never give up. That’s the lesson I am taking away from all …

What do You Know?

“What do you know?”  During a recent reading a lady’s guides said just that in response to a statement she made. They told me they weren’t being flippant, they said it laughingly. Thankfully she had a good sense of humor and took it the same way. What the guides were trying to point out is …

Order Take-out Instead

It’s Not About Fixing, it’s About Shifting When we’re in a situation that’s uncomfortable it’s our tendency to want to figure it out. “If I could figure out why I’m so stressed out lately, I could stop it.” or “I want to know how to (fill in the blank) write this book, finish this project, …

Make a U-turn

Re-frame Mistakes When we make a “mistake” (I have that in quotes for a reason) we often label it as bad. Why? Because we’ve been trained to think that way. Mistakes fall into the category of small failures. You’ve probably all heard the famous Thomas Edison quote, “I didn’t fail, I learned 10,000 new ways …