Showing 175 Result(s)

Readiness Key

Have you noticed sometimes when you get a healing or coaching session or DIY it to let something go, it doesn’t go? You can spend tons of money on healers, readers, coaches, etc but you still can’t let that issue go? It’s because of something called readiness. I’m not saying don’t get healings or readings. …

Looking for Evidence

Remember the old song, “Looking for Love in all the Wrong Places?” We look for what we want in all the wrong places – evidence. We’ve been taught, programmed by society, our families, school etc to look for evidence. That’s how the world has worked. Want to lose weight? Step on the scale to look …

Sniffing Out People

If you’ve been around dogs, then you know they can sense things about people. They tend to like some people more than others. They know who’s nice to them and who isn’t. They know who’s afraid of them and who isn’t. Dogs and all animals may not be able to talk, but they have their …