Showing 174 Result(s)

You Are a Force of Nature!

Has anyone ever told you that you’re a force of nature? You are. Even if no one ever told you that, you still are. How do I know that? We are ALL forces of nature. Why is that? We Are Energy Beings Because we are energetic beings. As such, your energy can be felt by …

Repeating Numbers

Do you ever see repeating numbers? On the clock? On license plates? Receipts? Anywhere? I do. Almost every time I look at a digital clock the numbers repeat. 11:11 or 12:12 or even 7:33. For me it can be all of the numbers repeat or just the minutes. Either way, the fact that it happens …

You’re not Crazy!

When you’re waking up to your gifts it can feel like you’re crazy. Did I really hear/see/sense that? Did I imagine that? What just happened? Or you’re afraid to tell others about it because they’ll think you’re crazy. Neither of which is true. Why not? What’s Crazy? Let’s address the word “crazy” first. In our …

Focus on the End

“Don’t be afraid of the beginning but look out for the end.” – Russian proverb It’s the End, not the Beginning that Matters That could easily be a manifesting proverb as manifesting always tells us to focus on what we want (the end result), not how we get there. Leave the how and the rest of …

Don’t take Ownership

Ever catch yourself describing your ailments like this: “My back pain,” or “My arthritis” or “My diabetes” or fill in the blank with your ailment du jour. Well, I have. I don’t recall ever doing that before so that’s what inspired me to write this. When we use that pronoun “my” in front of anything …

Turn off Your Evil Twin

Ever have those days where you just can’t shut your brain off? No matter what you do, your mind keeps talking to you? About your fears, your worries. “When is he going to call me?” “IS he going to call me?” etc etc etc. Your mind goes round and round looping for answers. That’s the …

Complaining is like Coke and Chips

Recently the Queen of England died. I’m sure you heard about it as it made worldwide news. One of the mottos of the royal family has been, “Never explain, never complain.” They are referring to their public behavior. I have no idea if that applies to their personal lives. However, not complaining is an admirable …

You Can’t See Fear

Our five senses serve us really well. They keep us out of danger. We don’t touch a hot stove because we can see the burner is on. We don’t eat spoiled food because we can smell that it’s bad. What about the things that we can’t see, can’t hear, can’t smell? That’s fear. Can you …

The Opposite of Worry

When we worry, all we’re doing is conjuring up some imagined risk or concern. Most of the time worry isn’t warranted. We just think it is. Worry is often a behavior that we observe in others and make it our own. If you grew up in a home where someone worried, there’s a good chance …