Showing 178 Result(s)

Turn off Your Evil Twin

Ever have those days where you just can’t shut your brain off? No matter what you do, your mind keeps talking to you? About your fears, your worries. “When is he going to call me?” “IS he going to call me?” etc etc etc. Your mind goes round and round looping for answers. That’s the …

Complaining is like Coke and Chips

Recently the Queen of England died. I’m sure you heard about it as it made worldwide news. One of the mottos of the royal family has been, “Never explain, never complain.” They are referring to their public behavior. I have no idea if that applies to their personal lives. However, not complaining is an admirable …

You Can’t See Fear

Our five senses serve us really well. They keep us out of danger. We don’t touch a hot stove because we can see the burner is on. We don’t eat spoiled food because we can smell that it’s bad. What about the things that we can’t see, can’t hear, can’t smell? That’s fear. Can you …

The Opposite of Worry

When we worry, all we’re doing is conjuring up some imagined risk or concern. Most of the time worry isn’t warranted. We just think it is. Worry is often a behavior that we observe in others and make it our own. If you grew up in a home where someone worried, there’s a good chance …

Trust Yourself

“Just trust yourself, then you will know how to live.” – Goethe That seems really simple, doesn’t it? Like so simple that it sounds easy. If it were that easy, we’d all be doing it and we’d all have the life we desire. Some things are simple in theory, but not so easy to carry …

What’s Stopping You?

Whenever we procrastinate it’s not because we’re lazy. There’s always something under it. Often, it’s fear, but not always. Or not “big fear.” What I mean by “big fear” is some fears have dire consequences, others do not. Sometimes it’s the little fears, which are really more in the “concern” category that stop us. Recently …

When an Apology Isn’t Enough

Have you ever had an “oops” moment only to be found out, then later called to task on it? And not just called to task, but shamed and then hunted? We all have oops moments whether it’s making a bad joke at someone’s expense, gossiping, talking behind someone’s back etc. People with a conscience will …

Staying Sane during Family Squabbles

When family tensions run high, all the different personalities come out big time. Like control. If you are a person that likes control, then you’ll understand what I’m about to say. If you have someone in your family who thrives on control, how do you stay sane around that? Give up control. My sister likes …