Showing 10 Result(s)

Focus on the End

“Don’t be afraid of the beginning but look out for the end.” – Russian proverb It’s the End, not the Beginning that Matters That could easily be a manifesting proverb as manifesting always tells us to focus on what we want (the end result), not how we get there. Leave the how and the rest of …

Turn off Your Evil Twin

Ever have those days where you just can’t shut your brain off? No matter what you do, your mind keeps talking to you? About your fears, your worries. “When is he going to call me?” “IS he going to call me?” etc etc etc. Your mind goes round and round looping for answers. That’s the …

You Can’t See Fear

Our five senses serve us really well. They keep us out of danger. We don’t touch a hot stove because we can see the burner is on. We don’t eat spoiled food because we can smell that it’s bad. What about the things that we can’t see, can’t hear, can’t smell? That’s fear. Can you …

The Opposite of Worry

When we worry, all we’re doing is conjuring up some imagined risk or concern. Most of the time worry isn’t warranted. We just think it is. Worry is often a behavior that we observe in others and make it our own. If you grew up in a home where someone worried, there’s a good chance …

Hack for those Troublesome Thoughts

Sometimes negative thoughts crop into our heads. Or the doubts. It’s not always easy to get rid of them. Stopping negative thoughts can be like “herding cats” in that it’s not possible or it’s so overwhelming that you give up. What You Resist, Persists If you tell yourself, “Just don’t think about it” that can …

Monkey Mind

Many of us have what’s commonly called, “monkey mind” or “busy brain.” Your inner dialogue is going crazy and running amok all day long.  It seems like the monkey will not slow down. He’s running wild. Monkey mind can be exhausting because your thoughts are constantly going, going, going. If you wake up with the …

Turn off the Fear Program

Fear is a Program Fear is just a program. As such, you can choose to turn it off or on. When the fear program is running, like it is now with the virus pandemic, it can totally cripple you. In the software world a virus is a piece of code that can wreak havoc on …

Stay In Your Lane

It’s hard for us to stay in our lane. Why is that? We think we’re being helpful or setting our mind at ease by minding other peoples’ business or worrying about them, but really, we’re not. What we’re doing is attempting to control them and the outcome because we think it makes us feel safe. …