Ask Your Guides For Help

Many people ask me about talking to their guides since that is something that I do when I do readings. I am channeling your guides and mine. A little-known tidbit here: you have to ask for their help. Guides can’t interfere with your life because you have free will. They could create havoc unintentionally or …

The Only Way Out is Through

Whether you’re in some sort of crisis, grieving or even recovering from a major argument, the only way out of it is to get through it.   To stuff our emotions, to compartmentalize or to put them in a box on the shelf to deal with it later always catches up with us somehow. Oftentimes …

If You Don’t Believe…

Have you ever had someone give you advice and you know deep down you can’t do what they suggest? Or you don’t believe that you can? If you believe you can, it can lead to great success. If you don’t believe that you can and do it anyway, it can spell disaster. A client once …

Beliefs Can Confuse You – or Worse!

The other day I had a reading with a young lady. She’s new to this metaphysical world and wants to learn to talk to her guides and learn to channel. When she asked her roommate her opinion about her channeling results, who’s into demons and dark things, she immediately told this young lady she doesn’t …

Turn Anxiety into Excitement

No one likes to experience anxiety. Heart palpitations, upset stomach, flushing skin, sweaty palms, not to mention racing thoughts. Those are probably the worst. Being anxious isn’t productive. It works us up, puts us in a bad mood and leads to inaction. When we’re paralyzed by fear or anxiety, we get stuck and do nothing. …

Passion and Manifesting

When people ask me if they will get what they want, oftentimes my answer is yes, with a caveat. The reason I say yes is because if someone wants something badly enough, they will get it. I’m sure you’ve had that experience where you really want something and you make it happen. We all have. …

Meditating Made Easy

Meditating can be daunting. The common misconception is sitting on the floor cross-legged ohm-ing for an hour. Most people can’t do that. Frankly, it’s not necessary. Meditation is simply the act of removing your mind from the outside world. Period. As such it can be done many ways such as passively or actively. Passively is …

Complicated Isn’t Always Better

My son has been researching a lot of health and fitness information. In the process he has come across many internet influencers selling complicated or unrealistic programs. Talking to a registered nutritionist, she said she sees this all the time. The big difference is a nutritionist is certified and works with evidence-based facts and research. …

Learning The Hard Way

Who hasn’t had to learn the hard way? For those of us who learn from that, hopefully there isn’t a second time. Life lessons start an early age. When children are little, we teach them not to get too close to the stove lest they burn their hand. This is done for their own protection. …

Expectations Can Lead to Disappointment

“Expect the unexpected.” Good advice said a wise person. However, many of us can’t do this. We want to plan. We want to speculate. We want to anticipate, possibly leading to fear and anxiety. Despite our best efforts, things don’t always go as we planned. Our hopes and dreams get dashed. Our expectations get crushed. …

Complaining Consequences

As mentioned in my previous blog post, complaining can turn people off. It may bring some people together, but not the kind of people you want to be around – more negative people. Complaining has many consequences, even for those of us who only do it on occasion. First and foremost, it brings your vibration …

Complainers Complain

Turn Cyndi Lauper’s lyrics “Girls just a wanna have fun” into “complainers just wanna complain.” That sums it up. Do you know a “Debbie Downer?” You know, the one that sucks the fun out of the room? The person who constantly complains, nothing is ever good enough, nothing ever goes right? Yeah, that person. I …

Trust Yourself

You don’t need a pair of eyes to see that the world is in turmoil right now. Disasters happening, political upheavals occurring, old systems imploding. The world is in chaos. Word on the street is that it will get worse. I don’t tell you this to scare you. I tell you this to prepare you. …

The Swagger Mentality

“You want the moves like Jagger! I got them moves like Jagger” – Maroon 5. Why pick Jagger for the song? He’s got the swagger! Those bad boys can sure be attractive and I don’t just mean physically. They’re cool.  They’re all that. They seem confident, but they might be fooling you! They may be …

False Confidence

Have you ever tried to do something that you thought was pretty easy and ended up failing spectacularly? I have and so has a friend of mine. Don’t feel bad if you have. A friend of mine told me that when she was younger, she was fearless. If she had to speak in front of …

Physical Healing

In the metaphysical community we’ve been taught that all diseases/illnesses/ailments start in the energetic realm then trickle down to the emotional and mental realms then to the physical. Once there are physical symptoms, the dis-ease process has already begun. Once an illness gets to the physical level, the physical symptoms must be handled. At that …

Misery Loves Company…Kind Of

Happy People Aren’t All that They Seem Do certain happy people irritate you? Does their happiness seem forced or fake? There could be a reason why you feel that way. And it’s not because you’re a bad person! Have you ever talked to someone who seems to relish it that you’re in a bad mood? …

4 Steps to Recover from a Break Up

Have you ever broken up with someone only to regret it later? Or been broken up with and want them back? What do you do? Getting back together with someone or not is a very personal choice so I wouldn’t advise either way. However, there are some things to consider. If the relationship wasn’t that …

Honesty Isn’t Always the Best Policy

Have you ever been honest with someone and it backfires? I’m sure that has happened to almost all of us for any number of reasons, big or small. There’s “big” honesty and “small” honesty. Choosing honesty and telling your partner you cheated on them could backfire spectacularly. Don’t tell them and you’re caught in a …

How Did That Happen?

Have you ever lost something, searched everywhere, only to find it later in the spot that it was last seen, the spot you searched multiple times? I haven’t but I have a good friend who has. Ever pray and pray for something to happen and it does without your intervention? I haven’t, but I know …

It Won’t Last Forever!

Sometimes we find ourselves in difficult situations, even if they are self-imposed. Maybe you are a care-giver taking care of an elderly parent or spouse. Maybe you are staying in a relationship even though it’s not optimal. Maybe you are putting up with a job until you retire or can find a new one. These …

Help is Like a Buffet

Have you ever walked away from a doctor’s appointment and said to yourself as you reached the parking lot, “Oh darn! I forgot to ask….?” I have. Many times. But not anymore. Whenever you are seeking any form of help, just remember that it’s basically a buffet. There are many choices, but you don’t have …

It’s Not Who You Know!

I’m at it again. I’m taking a quote from a movie that I’m watching. There are some great lines in movies! They often stimulate me to write something in order to hopefully help someone. Lately I’ve been re-watching the Harry Potter series so here goes. In today’s world to get anything in life it’s who …

Don’t Let it Go

Don’t let it go! That seems contrary to what I always say, right? Let me explain. Sometimes when we have a fearful or anxious thought or old traumatic memories we’re told to, “let it go.” Or do release work to let it go. Release it. Get rid of it. When I’m doing release work sometimes, …

Over-Thinking Leads to Inaction

There are many articles, videos etc. on over-thinking. What it is, how to stop it, tips, hacks etc. It’s great to know how to stop it. Absolutely imperative. What happens once you stop it? You have to take action. Over-thinking allows us to not take action. If You Think, You Don’t have to Do! We …

You Don’t Need a Vacation…

To de-stress Vacations aren’t a magic bullet; we just think they are. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying don’t take a vacation. I am the first one to say I love vacations! What I am saying is when you’re super stressed out or if you don’t have the time or the money a vacation …

10 Tips to Combat Black and White Thinking

Black and White Thinking Part 2 Here’s part 1 in case you missed it. Do you ever find yourself assuming the worst-case scenario? Or jumping to conclusions? Only to find out later that neither are true? We all probably do that sometimes, especially if we’re really stressed or in a highly unusual situation. It’s when …

Black and White Thinking

Our world is one of duality. Right and wrong. Dark and light. Good and bad. Black and white. And the list goes on. We also live in a world of color. The sky is blue, the grass is green. Cars are red. The black and white thinkers of the world do not see the shades …

Right or Happy?

Some people are so into being right that if you gave them a needlepoint pillow saying, “I’d rather be happy than right,” they’d think it was backwards. To them it should read, “I’d rather be right than happy” because happiness isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be. Their attitude is who wants to be …

Stand up or Not?

To stand up for yourself or not is a choice to make. Take a stance or let it slide? Some people will say you always have to stand up for yourself. ALWAYS. They don’t let anything slide. They don’t take nothin’ offa nobody. Ever. Others will pick and choose. Pick Your Battles One of my …

Get Your Mojo Back

The other day a client told me she has lost her passion for life. How does she get it back? Maybe you can relate to that. Have you lost your zest for life? Your passion? Your joie de vivre? It’s a slump. I’m tempted to say it’s a phase but sometimes we lose our passion …

Forgiving is not Forgetting

My best friend made a comment the other day that prompted me to write this. She said she’s forgiven her sisters for things that happened, but she hasn’t forgotten.  She’s so right. I forgave my dad for things that he did but I haven’t forgotten them. How can you? Something caused you to be upset …

FOMO – Not What You May Think

We commonly think of FOMO, or fear of missing out, in relation to social situations. We tend to think of situations such as someone feeling left out. Social media intensifies FOMO because perfect, unrealistic lives are often portrayed. Those with FOMO feel they are left out of that perfect life, especially when compared to their …

How to Get Un-Stuck

Are you a stick in the mud? Or stuck in the mud? Just one little letter change makes all the difference in the meaning. Stick the mud means someone who’s no fun, who doesn’t want to join in the fun. Stuck in the mud means you can’t get out. You’re stuck. You can’t advance. If …

Unpacking Time

I’ve always been fascinated by time, time travel and the past. I’m not very good at estimating length or distance, but time, I’m spot on. I’m one of those people who can calculate to the minute how much time I need to do something or get somewhere [not using GPS]. I’m never late, always early …

Bossy vs Leader

As with many of my blog posts, this was inspired by a client. If you’ve had a reading with me, then you know that I channel your Higher Self and guides. They often give messages that I can’t control or not what you’d expect to hear. Sometimes they can be very direct and tell me …

Take the High Road…or Not?

The decision to take the high road in a situation is a very personal one. And not one that some of us can take, or at least take consistently. It’s not easy to take the high road. For some people it may seem easy. For those of us who can’t do it as easily we …

Let Go of the Control

We may secretly laugh at control freaks because they’re so uptight, but really, they’re scared. Scared of life. They’re afraid to do this or afraid to do that so they think if they can control every facet of a situation, then they’ll be ok. They’ll be safe. They won’t have anxiety. Or the big one …

Feel Your Feelings

Anyone ever tell you it’s not nice to feel a certain way? Or that you shouldn’t feel that way? It’s typical for people respond to our feelings this way. They think they’re helping. But they’re not. They’re Judging You Really what they’re doing is judging. Or shaming you. Or projecting their values onto you. It’s …

Hope Doesn’t Produce Results

Sometimes it’s obvious what we’re doing wrong to thwart ourselves, our goals in life.  Addictions, not paying attention to things, blaming, judging etc. Other times it’s the little things like our words that stop us from getting what we want. Don’t underestimate the power of words. They can make or break a situation. One to …

I Change, You Change

People don’t like it when you change. Ever notice that? You go on a diet and they tell you that you don’t need to lose weight. You get a new hair style and they say you looked great before, why change? You’d think they’d be happy for us, right? Not always. Why is that? Because …

Counteract Black Magic

Recently someone close to me lost some of their cognitive abilities. I’ll call that person Person A. Another person, Person B, stepped in tried to brainwash Person A in order to gain control of them. A friend of mine used a different word for that control – black magic and spells. According to what I …

Don’t Get Focused on the Rear View Mirror

When we’re driving, what’s the safest direction that our eyes should be? Forward. All kinds of things could be happening in front of you so best to keep your eyes forward.  To avoid potential collisions behind us we’re also taught to keep an eye on the rear-view mirror. We can’t stay glued to the rear-view …

Turn On Your Heart Light

“Turn on your heartlight Let it shine wherever you go Let it make a happy glow For all the world to see” Neil Diamond was onto something when he wrote those words. As part of our life purpose and ascension it is our duty to turn up and on our light. Whether Neil Diamond meant …

You Are Worth It

Some of you may remember that L’Oreal hair color commercial where the lady at the end urges you to buy it, “because you’re worth it.” Although the way she said it kind of came off arrogant and smug to me, there is truth to it. You are worth it and more. Part of the point …

Is it Fear or a Premonition?

A good friend of mine and I wholeheartedly believe in manifesting. We know how powerful thoughts can be. As a result, if there’s something that we’re concerned about, as friends, we’ll confide in each other with the caveat that “I’m only saying it once so that it doesn’t happen.” It makes us feel better to …

Letting Go Isn’t 100%

Something that came to me in a download is this: letting go isn’t 100%. You may think it’s all gone, but it can be so small of a percentage that it’s not noticeable. Past pain or trauma can be so greatly reduced that it rarely affects us. However, in times of crisis, especially a crisis …

Stubbornness Can Be a Virtue or a Vice

Who hasn’t encountered a stubborn person? They can be so frustrating! They’re intractable, like a bull. My dad literally was a bull, Taurus. He was the epitome of stubbornness. If he didn’t want to do something or change his mind, nothing in this world was going to make him. 7 Deadly Sins You would think …

Is Fate Real?

Is our life pre-determined? Is it all set is stone? Is there fate or destiny? Supposedly before we incarnate, we plan our entire life and what we’re here to learn. Who our parents are, who we’ll marry, when we’ll marry, our career, our children etc. But since no one has lived to tell, we don’t …

When Someone Needs Space…

Sometimes we need to give people space for whatever reason. The more space we give them, the more room they have to figure things out. Maybe they have a big decision to make. Major moves like that can take time. When we’re eager for them to make their decision or want to help them with …

Use Your Cheat Codes

Some of us want to know the secrets of the Universe. How does it work? Not just scientifically but energetically, spiritually. How does sacred geometry fit in? What are portals exactly? Is reincarnation real? All that good stuff and deeper. My inquiring mind always wants those answers. However, I was given an analogy. Let’s say …

It’s Ok to Not Take Action

Sometimes we reach the end of the road and we just sit there with the engine idling so to speak. We don’t know which way to go so we don’t. Sometimes we’re not ready to act and that’s ok. Our Western society places a lot of emphasis on acting. I don’t disagree. Taking action is …

Rejection Is Protection

Recently a friend of mine wanted to participate in an event but was rejected. Immediately I told her they did you a favor. Sometimes getting rejected is a good thing. My friend standing next to me summed it up well when she said, “Rejection is protection.” How right that saying is! When we’re rejected – …

Intuition in Healing

A quick health update from me. It was time for me to cry “uncle” and go to a shoulder doc to get my shoulder checked out. It was a soft tissue issue as I figured. No meditation or healing method was going to help it. I needed to work it. Since I’ve been doing home …

Don’t be a Victim of Tomorrow

As I mentioned in an email, I’ve been dealing with some physical issues that have prevented me from being on electronics consistently. As of right now, I don’t have the answers yet for self-healing. When I do, I’ll for sure let you know. When we don’t feel well, our intuition doesn’t work as well because …

With Age Comes….

…wisdom. We all know that saying and can fill in that blank. However, I beg to differ. Often it does, but not always. It’s not a guarantee. You probably know older people (whatever your definition of “older” is) that aren’t that wise. Case in point. That’s not meant as a criticism, but rather an observation. …

How I Healed My Dog Part 3

For those of you that like the deets, in this post I will cover more of the nuts and bolts of healing. It is my belief there is no wrong or right in healing, but some things matter more than others. Pay Attention and Set Intention When doing healing on yourself, another person or a …

How I Healed My Dog Part 2

Some of you like to know the nuts and bolts of healing so I’ll share what I know. When I refer to healing, I do not mean traditional medicine and going to the doctor. Instead, I mean alternative healing methods or strictly using your mind. You Must Believe to Receive! For things to work optimally …

How I Healed My Dog

Sadly, our pets don’t live that long. It’s heart-breaking for pet owners. If you’ve ever lost one like I have, you know what I mean. It’s always a being’s choice when they want to depart. However, if they’re sick and want to recover, we can help them. The only way to know if they want …

Diet Coke and a Candy Bar

Most of us have heard that joke about having a diet coke with a candy bar. Having the two together is a justification because the lack of calories in the soda cancels out the calories in the candy bar. Right? Not really, but if that works for you to justify it, go ahead. LOL This …

I’ll Deal with it Later

This is a follow up to last week’s blog post about putting upsetting things aside when you’re doing release work. For some of us, imagery works well as suggested in that post. When you want to release something but can’t because it’s still bothering you, put it in a(n) (imaginary) box. Other people, however, are …

Put it Aside

Recently I was confronted with some old family memories. Memories that I thought that I had dealt with. Obviously not. They were re-ignited and suffused with new painful memories. While working to let them go I could no longer fight them. They were too big and too painful. However, I wanted that energy out of …

Don’t Attach to the Outcome

Do you remember being a kid on Christmas morning and didn’t get something that you wanted? Or any other scenario where you didn’t get what you wanted? What happened next? You probably got disappointed. That’s understandable. When we don’t get what we want we feel let down or mad or sad. Why is that? Because …

It’s Better than Good

Do you feel like you’re stuck? Not moving forward? Your life just isn’t coming together? Then maybe it’s time for some release work. Whether you’re stuck at work, in your relationship, or mentally or emotionally it doesn’t matter. Release work is the key. Just as releasing is vital to our physical body, it is also …

You Are a Force of Nature!

Has anyone ever told you that you’re a force of nature? You are. Even if no one ever told you that, you still are. How do I know that? We are ALL forces of nature. Why is that? We Are Energy Beings Because we are energetic beings. As such, your energy can be felt by …

Repeating Numbers

Do you ever see repeating numbers? On the clock? On license plates? Receipts? Anywhere? I do. Almost every time I look at a digital clock the numbers repeat. 11:11 or 12:12 or even 7:33. For me it can be all of the numbers repeat or just the minutes. Either way, the fact that it happens …

You’re not Crazy!

When you’re waking up to your gifts it can feel like you’re crazy. Did I really hear/see/sense that? Did I imagine that? What just happened? Or you’re afraid to tell others about it because they’ll think you’re crazy. Neither of which is true. Why not? What’s Crazy? Let’s address the word “crazy” first. In our …

Focus on the End

“Don’t be afraid of the beginning but look out for the end.” – Russian proverb It’s the End, not the Beginning that Matters That could easily be a manifesting proverb as manifesting always tells us to focus on what we want (the end result), not how we get there. Leave the how and the rest of …

Don’t take Ownership

Ever catch yourself describing your ailments like this: “My back pain,” or “My arthritis” or “My diabetes” or fill in the blank with your ailment du jour. Well, I have. I don’t recall ever doing that before so that’s what inspired me to write this. When we use that pronoun “my” in front of anything …

Turn off Your Evil Twin

Ever have those days where you just can’t shut your brain off? No matter what you do, your mind keeps talking to you? About your fears, your worries. “When is he going to call me?” “IS he going to call me?” etc etc etc. Your mind goes round and round looping for answers. That’s the …

Complaining is like Coke and Chips

Recently the Queen of England died. I’m sure you heard about it as it made worldwide news. One of the mottos of the royal family has been, “Never explain, never complain.” They are referring to their public behavior. I have no idea if that applies to their personal lives. However, not complaining is an admirable …

You Can’t See Fear

Our five senses serve us really well. They keep us out of danger. We don’t touch a hot stove because we can see the burner is on. We don’t eat spoiled food because we can smell that it’s bad. What about the things that we can’t see, can’t hear, can’t smell? That’s fear. Can you …

The Opposite of Worry

When we worry, all we’re doing is conjuring up some imagined risk or concern. Most of the time worry isn’t warranted. We just think it is. Worry is often a behavior that we observe in others and make it our own. If you grew up in a home where someone worried, there’s a good chance …

Trust Yourself

“Just trust yourself, then you will know how to live.” – Goethe That seems really simple, doesn’t it? Like so simple that it sounds easy. If it were that easy, we’d all be doing it and we’d all have the life we desire. Some things are simple in theory, but not so easy to carry …

What’s Stopping You?

Whenever we procrastinate it’s not because we’re lazy. There’s always something under it. Often, it’s fear, but not always. Or not “big fear.” What I mean by “big fear” is some fears have dire consequences, others do not. Sometimes it’s the little fears, which are really more in the “concern” category that stop us. Recently …

When an Apology Isn’t Enough

Have you ever had an “oops” moment only to be found out, then later called to task on it? And not just called to task, but shamed and then hunted? We all have oops moments whether it’s making a bad joke at someone’s expense, gossiping, talking behind someone’s back etc. People with a conscience will …

Staying Sane during Family Squabbles

When family tensions run high, all the different personalities come out big time. Like control. If you are a person that likes control, then you’ll understand what I’m about to say. If you have someone in your family who thrives on control, how do you stay sane around that? Give up control. My sister likes …

The Sacred Knowledge of Manifesting

These days we take manifesting for granted. Ever since books like The Secret came out, manifesting knowledge is prevalent. While most everyone in the metaphysical community knows about it, there are still many people who don’t, particularly those in the mainstream. Even though the information is readily available now, it wasn’t always that way. In …

Notice it, but Don’t Notice it

Manifesting is simple in theory, but often more complicated in practice. It’s easy to say, “Don’t think negatively” but harder to do.  It’s easy to recommend stop doubting, but can be difficult to implement. Focus on what you want, not on what you don’t want is a basic manifesting principle. That includes eliminating doubts and …

Hack for those Troublesome Thoughts

Sometimes negative thoughts crop into our heads. Or the doubts. It’s not always easy to get rid of them. Stopping negative thoughts can be like “herding cats” in that it’s not possible or it’s so overwhelming that you give up. What You Resist, Persists If you tell yourself, “Just don’t think about it” that can …

Covid Effects

How has Covid Affected You? All over the world we were affected by Covid in one way or the other. Some got sick, some got really sick. Others lost their jobs or worse their homes. Some died. Even if you are fortunate enough not to have had any dire consequences from Covid, you were bound …

Mirror Flames

Many people believe in or believe they are in a twin flame relationship. A twin flame is a soul that split into two to make two similar halves. Twin flame relationships can be very challenging because while the love may be the most passionate ever, it is also the most intense relationship. Why? Because you’re …

Self-Healing Tips

In the last blog post I wrote on self-healing I mentioned there are many, many ways to heal yourself. Sometimes healing may not work. It could be for a variety of reasons. As with manifesting (healing is a form of manifesting), there are a variety of things that could block your healing. Without further ado, …

Heal Thyself

Do you suffer from chronic pain? A debilitating ailment such as fibromyalgia? Migraines? Allergies? It’d be nice to feel good, right? When we don’t feel good, life stinks. We get cranky or irritable and can’t do what we’d like to do. Not getting done what we want to do can make us more irritable. And …

Why We Keep Repeating the Past

Do you ever wonder why you keep doing the same things? Why do you keep picking the same type of guy (or gal)? Why you keep taking the same type of job that you don’t like? We repeat things because it’s familiar, we don’t give it much thought or we don’t like change. The same …

How to Do Magic

Who doesn’t want to learn magic? It’s fun. It’s cool. It’s sexy. I’m not talking about Penn and Teller magic. I mean personal magic. You don’t need a course or a guide book to learn it because you already do it – every day. In the metaphysical world when people refer to magic, they mean …

Taking a Risk

“If you don’t risk anything, you risk everything.” – popular quote Some of us aren’t risk takers and that’s ok. I have to admit, I’m not a big risk taker, but there are times I have been. I’m not talking about doing something you shouldn’t do as a kid and risk getting caught by your …

The What If Game

“What and if are two non-threatening words. Put together and they can haunt you for the rest of your life.” – quote from Letters to Juliet  That’s true if you look at it as regret. “What if I did that instead…” or “didn’t do that…”  That’s looking to the past wishing you could change what …

Find the Silver Lining

One way to look at gratitude is to always look for that silver lining. You know how your mom might’ve said, “Look on the bright side?” She may not have realized just how wise she was! It’s easy to get stuck in the complaining rut as I pointed out in the last blog post. I …

Choose to Know

Do you ever wonder how some people “just know” something will happen? How they feel so confident about situations? Here’s their secret: they choose to know. Practice Makes Perfect! We’ve been taught to learn by repetition. The more you see it, hear it, get it validated it, the more you understand it or believe it. …

Were You Famous?

Why do we care to know about our past lives? Other than the fact that it can be fun or interesting to know about a past life there can be benefits to knowing our past. Oftentimes we keep repeating a pattern from a past life. It’s that pattern that we want to be aware of so we can clear it out in this life

Success Formula

As I was watching a TV show recently someone said to accomplish things, to be a success it requires tenacity, talent and intuition. Let’s break that down. Having tenacity is to be relentless in the pursuit of getting something done. It’s never giving up. To be a success, yes, I would agree, tenacity needs to …

Wow, She is a Snob!

Looking for Evidence to Support Our Beliefs When we believe something, we look for evidence to support those beliefs. For example, if you meet someone for the first time at work and they aren’t very friendly to you, you might immediately assume she’s not a friendly person. Maybe you even conclude that she’s a snob. …

Why Can’t I Let Go?

When Disney came out with that movie, Frozen and released the song, “Let it Go” it had more meaning than they realized! Why? Because blocks are always what stop us from moving forward. Always. First me must let go of them. Blocks can be anything from old beliefs to past experiences to stored emotions. We …

Be Careful What You Wish For!

You know the saying, “Be careful what you wish for!” How many times have you gotten your wish and then regretted it? Then you wished you’d paid more attention, put more thought into it or had a better understanding of what you were wishing for. Like you finally met a guy (your desire) but he …

I Knew That Was Going to Happen!

When I was laid up a few years ago watching a detective show I heard another nugget that inspired me to write this: “The future isn’t actually on its way. In truth, it’s already arrived.”  Why is that important to know? The Time is Now As a bit of background on time, you’ve probably heard …

How do You Know if a Rule is Meant to be Broken?

Awareness vs Rules Awareness is about engaging, rules are about following. Are we moving into a world with less rules and more awareness? If the world isn’t, maybe you are. And that’s not a bad thing. For example, in doctor’s offices today notices are posted requesting people to silence their phone and not talk on …

Are You Getting the Call?

Are you wondering what your life purpose is? Or do you think you know but aren’t sure? If either of those apply to you, you’re getting the call. It’s the call from the universe to “pick up the phone” and have the conversation about what your path is. To live our life purpose is living …